Friday, February 20, 2009

Portable Lanterns

Lanterns have been in existence for centuries now. In fact it was not long ago that lanterns were the only source of light in rural areas before the arrival of electricity. Whether it was the tiny little barn where the harvest was stored or the little out house, lanterns were the ones that made these places even more charming. Gradually lanterns began to be used for other purposes such as signaling and camping. Even today they are used widely for camping purposes. Portable lanterns on the market these days are easy to carry and operate.

There are various types of portable lanterns that you can find these days available in the market. fuel burning lanterns are among the most poplar types. They are in fact a very good choice for outdoor camping since they produce bright light. Various types of fuels are used in these lanterns. White gas, also known as naphtha or ‘Coleman ‘gas, is one of them. White gas does not produce any smell and produces hot flame even in sub zero temperatures. There are many portable lanterns where automobile gas is used that are available that are available in the market these days. You can also find models in which you could use either automobile gas or white gas too. Portable lanterns in which kerosene is the fuel source are also popular. In fact they have been popular for quite some time now, with kerosene being cheap. Butane and propane lanterns are the other types of lanterns that are extremely popular.

Perhaps the most popular among the lot are the modern electric portable lanterns that you can find in the stores nowadays. They are both quiet as well as dependable. Moreover, they are also safer than the other options since the chances of anything catching fire are remote. You can find an incredibly large selection of electric portable lanterns in the market these days.

Portable electric lanterns are again divided into various types based on certain features. Among the more popular electric lantern models are the battery powered ones. All that you need to do when the light goes dead is to replace the batteries. You can also find many models that are rechargeable too. With them you need to just plug them into an electric source, recharge them and then use them again.

You can also find solar powered portable lanterns these days. They are a hit among the environmentally conscious crowd. After soaking up power from the sun during the day they can brighten up your night at campsite. Added to this is the benefit of saving substantial amounts of money over a long period of time.

Equally eco-friendly as the solar powered lanterns are the people powered lanterns. They do require cranking at regular intervals of time for them to provide light though. Candle lanterns too are a great option for the camp site. You can find a whole range of candle portable lanterns these days. Multiple candle configurations are a particular favorite with campers since they can illuminate an entire camp site with ease.

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